Relieve an Uncomfortable Congestion by Lying on Your Side
Whether it's the common cold or everyday allergies, there really is nothing worse than the typical stuffy nose, but we've found a way to make that better. Limited nasal breathing can make getting around much harder- that's where this tip can really come in handy. If you're suffering from congestion, try relieving it by lying down on your side because different head angles are actually key when it comes to draining those sinuses.
The worst part about getting sick is definitely the stuffy nose that comes with it, but finding ways to relieve pressure can really help you with things before getting better.
Drink Upside Down to Stop Hiccups
When hiccups start, it seems like they'll never stop, and they can seriously be annoying. There are so many solutions to stopping them, and your parents have likely taught you quite a few tricks. Some people recommend chugging a glass of water while holding your ears, but drinking upside could also help. It's certainly a strange way to drink water, but hey, we would do anything to make the hiccups disappear.
You may not want anyone in the room as your start drinking upside down, just because it might look a bit funny, but hey, we'd do anything to stop hiccups.
Put a Stop to Brain Freeze by Using Your Tongue
Brainfreeze happens when the back of your throat doesn't have quite enough time to get used to the freezing temperature of what you're swallowing. It can be a bit painful, and even though it might only last a few seconds, learning how to quickly stop it could be helpful. As soon as you feel that major headache, try pressing the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth for relief.
Brainfreeze kind of makes it hard to enjoy that ice cream cone you were about to eat, but thankfully, there's a very easy way to make it quickly go away.
Cool Down Fast With Some Strategically Placed Cold Water
Most people pour water on their heads or neck when feeling very hot, but a much more effective location can help you feel cooler faster. Your wrists contain lots of vessels that circulate blood to the rest of your body, and the veins there are much closer to the surface than anywhere else. That's why putting cold water on your wrists can help lower your body temperature at a much faster rate.
Sweating on a hot day happens often, but especially in the Summer. Cold water is a great thing to use to cool down, but applying it to your wrists can speed up the process.
Swallow to Never Get Cut While Shaving
Not everyone who shaves their face has an adam's apple, but those who have one often claim that it contributes to getting cut while shaving. Everything goes well until the neck area, which tends to have grooves and bumps along the throat, and getting a small nick can be extremely painful. There's nothing worse than tiny invisible cuts, so try swallowing next time to get your adam's apple out of the way.
Any person who shaves his face knows that getting nicked basically comes with the process, and usually, the adam's apple and its position are the root cause of that issue.
Try Covering One Eye for Night Vision
Seeing in the dark can be tricky, mainly if your eyes are used to the light, but assigning different roles to each of your eyes will speed up the process. To do this, cover both of them, but leave a slit between your fingers for your left eye. By doing this, one eye will be used to the sudden darkness while the other can see clearly with the lights on.
This tip is a great thing to try before the lights go on, especially since it takes our eyes a while to adjust to the dark- whether you're waking up or going to bed.
Fall Asleep Instantly by Distracting Yourself
The problem with going to bed is that you might not be tired, and the more you think about how early you have to wake up, the harder it is to fall asleep. Some recommend reading a good book while crawling into bed, but avoiding potential distractions can truly make sleeping easier. This can trick your brain, so the tiredness will soon come with it once you feel somewhat comfortable.
Insomnia is an unfortunate yet typical issue that so many people struggle with when getting into bed but making sure you don't have any distractions can help you get tired faster.
Breath Holding Can Stop Hiccups
Hiccups are very annoying to have as kids, but hiccuping as an adult really is much worse. Your parents probably taught you their version of how to stop them, but it might not have always worked. Since hiccups are involuntary, you might have thought they are completely uncontrollable, but that isn't always the case. Taking deep breaths and holding that air in for a few seconds can make those hiccups disappear.
When the hiccups come, it might seem like they will stay forever. So many people have their own theories and hacks when it comes to stopping them, but breath-holding really works.
Use a Squatty Potty for Bathroom Ease
Sitting on the toilet isn't always comfortable, even though we have gotten used to it. A squatty potty is a stool that holds your feet as you sit on the toilet. Believe it or not, the way we usually sit isn't a natural form, and raising your legs can make using the restroom easier than it's ever been before. There are even a variety of different squatty potties to choose from.
There's no denying that everyone tends to use the bathroom multiple times a day, which is why the squatty is actually beneficial, as it allows you to sit in a natural position.
Scratch You Ear to Stop an Itchy Throat
A scratchy throat can undoubtedly ruin an entire week, and the best thing to do is patiently wait for the annoying symptom to pass- because, eventually, it will. From eating cough drops to gurgling salt water, you might have tried every trick in the book to make that itchy throat disappear. If the itch is persistent, try scratching your ear. This could actually make you feel just a little bit of relief.
We would never have thought that scratching your ear could relieve an itchy throat, but next time you're sick, you should try it and then let us know if it works.
Watch the Elbow to Never Miss a High Five Ever Again
High-fiving is pretty standard, but so is completely missing them. You might have gone to bed that night questioning all of your life decisions after bypassing that high five, but there's a way to prevent that. Just when you think that your hand-eye coordination isn't the best, focus on the other person's elbow. This will help you get your arm to the same level as theirs for a successful high-five.
Missing a high five can be extremely embarrassing, especially if you're surrounded by a group of people where all eyes are on you. Don't ever feel embarrassed again with this hack.
Cold Bottles Could Help Panic Attacks
Sometimes panic attacks come randomly; other times, they're due to stress or a specific trigger. They can be really difficult to control and stop, but there are ways that can help with the management. For example, grabbing something cold to the touch can help distract your brain while working as an anchor to ground you. If you suffer from panic attacks, keep a cold bottle or ice pack in your freezer.
Before reaching for a cold bottle, it's also important to know that almost everyone suffers from panic attacks at least once in their life, so anxiety doesn't make you weak.
Unstuff a Nose With a Bit of Pressure
Believe it or not, there are quite a few easy ways to drain a stuffy nose, and we'll tell you how to do that. One way is by simultaneously applying some pressure to your eyebrows and the roof of your mouth. Another way is by plugging your nose tightly shut and attempting to push out air through your blocked nostrils. This will open up your sinuses, even if it's just for a moment.
Even though this great solution is only a temporary one, it would certainly be nice to breathe for a few minutes after suffering from a stuffy nose for a week.
Fold Your Ear to Activate Super Hearing
Have you ever found yourself at a party, and your friend is trying to talk to you, but you really can't hear a thing? Maybe you're at a concert, and the person next to you is trying to ask a question, but all you hear is the music. If this has happened to you, a simple maneuver of your ears can change everything. Folding them a bit can actually make you hear better.
Unfortunately, we really do have limited hearing, especially in noisy social situations. Thankfully, simply pulling on your ears can make hearing possible in the loudest, like in a bar or a party.
Never Wet a Seat After Swimming Again With This Towel Hack
When Summer time comes around, so does swimming. Whether you're at the beach or a pool, you'll have to get into a vehicle at some point to go back home. Getting the seat soaking wet could be slightly embarrassing, especially if you don't have a change of clothes. Wrapping your towel around both your waist and knees can help you dry extra fast while also keeping the seat waterless and clean.
There's nothing worse than having to change in public, especially if you can't find anywhere private to run to. Thankfully, you won't have to worry if you have a towel.
Look at a Light to Activate a Sneeze
For some people, sneezing actually depends on the lighting. You might have that one friend who always sneezes when they step outside, but that isn't always because of allergies. Lots of people are photic sneezers, and even if you aren't one of them, staring at a light could help you release that sneeze that doesn't want to come out. Everyone experiences that feeling, so look into a bright light next time.
Sometimes it feels like sneezes have a mind of their own, and although your nose is feeling ticklish, it might not want to come out. Bright lights can really help with that.
Focus on Your Elbows to Make a Pull-Up Possible
Pull-ups might seem challenging whether you live at the gym or on your couch. That might have stopped you from attempting to do a few of them in the first place. Although it might seem like there are quite a few roadblocks in front of those pull-ups, there's a quick way to make them more manageable. Focusing on nothing more than the movement of your elbows could do the trick.
Pull-ups are even difficult for people who always live in the gym, but those difficulties might just be mental ones. That's where this simple trick could actually come in handy.
Mental Preparation Before Throwing up Makes It Easier
Whether it's food poisoning or the stomach flu, everyone throws up every once in a while. Sometimes, whatever goes down has to come back up, regardless of the reason. Puking might hit you at the most random of times, but recognizing the signs could help ease the experience. Everyone's body tends to do different things before getting sick, but remembering what your body does can help you prepare for the dreadful yet inevitable moment.
There isn't anything worse than throwing up, and there really isn't even an effective way to stop it from happening. That's why mental preparation can make the moment less terrible.
Thumb Folding Can Stop That Gag Reflex
A highly sensitive gag reflex can really affect your daily life, but you probably never knew there was a straightforward way to stop that feeling from happening. All you need to do is fold your thumb while squeezing it simultaneously to get rid of that uncomfortable feeling. A sensitive reflex can genuinely be an issue for some people, but it doesn't take much to actually prevent a gag from occurring.
Some people have super sensitive gag reflexes where the smallest thing in their mouths might make them want to puke. Thumb folding could really help you if you suffer from sensitivity.
Chocolate Is Actually Good for Your Body
Did you know that a specific type of chocolate in small quantities is actually good for you? That's right; we're here to tell you that chocolate can be beneficial for your health, more specifically, dark chocolate. There are seriously so many reasons, from its vitamins to its minerals, nutrients, and even antioxidants. Eating a small amount of dark chocolate daily even has the power to reduce high blood pressure while increasing heart health.
Some people can't get enough of chocolate, whether it's white or milk, and we really do understand why. Dark chocolate is definitely a healthier alternative for someone who can't get enough of it.
Stay Balanced by Tiptoeing Around
Walking on the tips of your toes is something that we commonly do as kids, but did you know that practicing this as an adult could actually improve your balance? You can start changing the way that you walk in small distances, for example, from the refrigerator to your couch. After doing this consistently, you will likely start to realize that balancing, in general, is easier than it's ever been before.
Anyone watching you tiptoe around your house might think that it seems a bit weird, but doing this can actually be super beneficial for reasons that have to do with balance.
Seat Adjusting Can Help With Hard Exams
The worst part about taking an exam is getting stuck on a question or two, and it might seem like there is no way around to get around that. Focusing too much on a difficult question could also waste your time on the exam, so every minute is pretty valuable. Adjusting your seat or position in your chair could help your brain look at the question and options from a different point of view.
There's nothing more panic worthy than doing a timed exam in class, yet you just don't seem to know the answers. In the future, try adjusting your seat every once in a while.
Lie Down Like This to Stop Heartburn
Heartburn can be incredibly annoying, and most people think that the only way to make it go away is by taking medicine. Although those might be effective, try lying down on your left side before taking anything if you're suffering from heartburn. Time and time, it's been proven that this is an effective way to ease heartburn without taking any outside substances. This is an easy way to alleviate a very bothersome and common symptom.

Heartburn can quickly ruin what should be an enjoyable night of drinking or eating spicy foods, but just when you thought there wasn't a natural solution- we've proved you wrong.
Stop a Sneeze With Upper Lip Pressure
You probably know of quite a few ways to help get a sneeze out, but there are even ways to help block them, and all you need is a bit of pressure. This trick works exceptionally well if you're out in public and are too embarrassed to sneeze, which is why we recommend trying it. Simply use your finger to press down on your upper lip, the part sitting under your nose.
Sneezes seem to want to happen at the wrong time and place, but there really is a way to stop them. It might not work every time, but anything helps.
How to Unlock a Cool Body Reflex
Human bodies can do the basics, but did you know there's a hidden trick you could try? All it takes is a bit of pressure and any door frame you can find. First, let your arms rest, leaving them hanging down. Next, lift them and start forcing them against the structure. Due to the pressure, your arms will get used to it and attempt to fly up as you relax them again.
This might seem like a random body hack, but it actually is a pretty cool one. Who knew that it doesn't take much effort to unlock a hidden superhuman trick?
Blow on Your Thumb to Deal With Anxiety
Anxiety can seriously be debilitating; that's why so many of us are looking for ways to make living with it manageable. Management can start with helpful tips and tricks to ease nervous moments, which you might find useful. For example, blowing on your thumb during a panic attack could actually make you feel a lot better. Of course, everyone is different when it comes to anxiety- but there's no harm in trying something this easy.
This might work because tricking your brain into focusing on other things can actually stop you from having those anxious thoughts, so go ahead and start blowing on your thumb.
Cool Down Fast After Eating Hot Food
Sometimes we get excited to eat that steaming hot sandwich, or we forget to let that hot soup cool down before taking a bite. Even though everything tastes fantastic, that burning feeling that comes right after isn't pleasant. It can be one of the worst sensations, where a burned tongue could hurt for a while. If that happens, try drinking something cold and letting it sit in your mouth for a while.
That burning feeling after accidentally eating or drinking something way too hot is a common one. It can also be very uncomfortable, which is why we recommend drinking something cold.
Wake up Early to Become a Morning Person
Waking up early might seem unnecessary for anyone who doesn't have to do it, but putting more hours into your day can help you get many more things crossed off the schedule. Whether you work on your own time or seem to always be late to work, getting used to rising early can be easier, but it does take some time. Try setting your alarm earlier every day so your body will naturally get used to it.
Waking up earlier might sound dreadful to anyone who considers themselves a night owl, but consistently doing it will truly make becoming an early riser easier than it's ever been.
Move That Tongue to Try Out a New Look
Did you know that the placement of your tongue can really determine how your face looks? For example, resting your tongue on the bottom of your mouth can make your face look longer while also emphasizing the chin. Moving that placement to the roof of your mouth can actually even cause your face to look slimmer. It certainly takes some practice, but once you're used to it, the change becomes super easy to do.
It's natural to feel insecure about certain parts of our body, but thankfully, we're actually in a lot more control than we think when it comes to how we look.
Completely Stop Jet Lag by Fasting
World travelers know jetlag, and they know jetlag well. It might seem that there's no way to stop or control it, but there really is an easy method to at least make it manageable. If you're on vacation and you're not able to sleep or can't seem to wake up, try fasting next time before getting on your flight. Even though changing time zones will take a toll, fasting could make a difference.
International travel is always fun, but jetlag can really make those adventures harder than they need to be. Food can actually regulate hormones, which is why a sixteen-hour fast helps.
Head Tilting Can Stop a Nosebleed
Nosebleeds tend to come and the most random times and also seem uncontrollable. Whether it happens in the middle of the night or while at work, there's an effortless way to help make it stop. Even doctors are recommending people who have nosebleeds start tilting their heads up. Changing the downward flow of the blood while pinching your nose simultaneously is an easy way to start getting a handle on an annoying issue.
Some of us get chronic nosebleeds that just happen to continue into adulthood; thankfully, a slight tilt of the head can quickly and easily stop the very annoying prolonged bleeding.
Put a Stop to Painful Morning Headaches by Having a Snack
Waking up with a pounding headache after a great night of sleep could be frustrating, and you probably often wonder what exactly could cause all that pain. It's due to low blood pressure, and this headache is guaranteed to go away after you take your first bites of food. Eating sugar will raise your blood sugar, and while you are asleep and not eating, these levels tend to get super low.
Morning headaches are caused by the sudden change in blood sugar that shifts from when you are sleeping to when you wake up, food can really make that go away.
Breathing Right Can Stop Leg Cramps
Lots of people love running, but sometimes the cramps that often come with it can ruin the experience. Drinking lots of water can help prevent cramps, but breathing right while exercising is actually a really important thing. Making sure that oxygen comes in and out of your body at a healthy and consistent rate can dictate lots of physical aspects while you're training, and that includes the intensity and severity of cramps.

A runner's worst nightmare is leg cramps, mainly because the slightest obstacle during a race can change everything. That's why learning to breathe right is so crucial for all athletes.
Stop Laughing at the Worst Times in a Pinch
To some people, nothing is funny; others just can't help but laugh during the worst possible moments. Being able to control when and where you're laughing could be super beneficial for so many reasons, so we're going to tell you how to do just that. First, it's important to start with some kind of distraction; for example, pinching yourself could get your mind off whatever you feel you're about to laugh at.
Some people tend to laugh at the worst moments, even if things aren't always funny. That's because some of us tend to laugh as a basic first response in every situation.
Sleep to Become a Master Memorizer
Have you ever wondered how and why some people are better at memorizing things than others? Amazingly, it doesn't always have to do with how high someone's IQ is. If you want to take advantage of your brain and all the incredible things it can do, it's important to start by ensuring you get enough sleep. That's because rest can do miraculous things to our minds, which is the key to memorization.
Sleep is incredibly beneficial to humans, and it's a very important time when our brains begin to actually compute and store all of the things we're experienced throughout the day.
Stop Tooth Pain With Some Ice
You've just bitten into your favorite food, only to discover that something is definitely wrong with your tooth. Teeth pain can be terrible, mainly because that pain often turns into a headache. Seeing a trusted dentist is always good, but that doesn't mean you can't get started with pain management before your appointment. Try putting some ice where it hurts but also between your thumb and index finger, which surprisingly helps with the pain.
Of course, we highly recommend scheduling a dentist visit before attempting to do anything else at home or by yourself because doctors always know best when it comes to intense pain.
Dry Those Eyes to Put a Stop to Crying
Whether it's a show about an owner losing their dog or something that has to do with babies, it might be impossible to keep a dry eye. Thankfully, crying is a natural human response to cute and sad things, but there may be moments when you want to keep it in. If this is the case, avoid blinking as much as possible because that's when your eyes take the time to produce new tears.
Dry eyes usually stay that way, but truthfully, we highly recommend just letting your emotions out before working hard to keep them in because you'll end up feeling so much better.
Learn to Breathe Like a Scuba Diver
Whether you swim just for fun or are interested in diving, learning to hold your breath underwater could be very useful. Scuba divers actually have to go through a series of training to learn proper breathing techniques before being able to dive for a variety of safety reasons. For example, breathing in quickly before taking a deeper breath can alert your brain to certain oxygen levels, allowing you to stay underwater longer.
Everyone wants to learn how to efficiently hold their breath underwater, even if it's just for fun. It's a really important thing for divers so that they can effortlessly stay submerged.
Drink Dairy After Eating Spicy Food
We've all been there- you've taken a bite of your favorite spicy dish, and it feels like you've just eaten one hundred chili peppers. The issue with this happening at a restaurant is that you'll only be able to wash the pain down with some water. Dairy can really take the pain and burning sensation away instantly, so if this happens at home, you should drink some milk or eat a spoonful of ice cream.
Lots of people love spicy food, especially since spice can be the central aspect of many international cuisines, but that doesn't mean that it always makes you feel good after.
Stretch Your Neck if a Body Part Has Fallen Asleep
When your leg falls asleep, walking becomes a challenging task to accomplish for a few minutes, and when your arm falls asleep, it can feel like you're being weighed down. This is caused by a change in blood flow, where either too much blood goes to your limb or not enough. This can be easily fixed by moving in a different position, but stretching out the neck could also help increase your body's blood flow.
The feeling of pins and needles in the arms or legs can be uncomfortable, but the reason behind it might have to do with an entirely different body part- the neck.